What is atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease of allergic origin that is very common in domestic dogs today. It is characterized by generalized inflammation (erythema) of the skin, especially in areas such as the armpits, chin, groin, abdomen, inside the ears and paws. In addition, dogs with skin allergies almost always present digestive symptoms, since this condition is commonly caused by food allergies.

We can divide allergies in dogs into 3 groups:

  1. Allergy to flea saliva.
  2. Food allergies.
  3. Environmental allergies.

The latter is the most complex of all and the most difficult to control, so the treatment will focus on covering these three possibilities for its management. It is important to keep in mind that this disease cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. Your veterinarian will ask an extensive number of questions to rule out possible allergens that cause the reaction in your pet.

Nowadays, there are specific allergy tests that can be performed, which allow the elimination part to be skipped. In addition, there are hyposensitization injections that seek to reduce the allergic response to the causative element, thus achieving a significant improvement in the patient.

What does the treatment consist of?

  • Controlling the itching : This part is crucial, as it helps us avoid secondary infections that are normally caused by persistent scratching, which injures the skin, causing bacterial growth and, therefore, bacterial dermatitis.

  • Controlling inflammation : Controlling skin inflammation is important as this will prevent your pet from suffering from itching.

  • Nutritional supplements : These provide important components that keep the skin barrier healthy. In this way, we can help reduce the inflammatory response.

How does CBD help my dog's condition?

  • Reducing inflammation : CBD can reduce inflammation in the skin, relieving itching and irritation.
  • Itch Relief : Thanks to its soothing properties, it can help reduce your dog's need to constantly scratch.
  • Promoting healing : By reducing inflammation and scratching, CBD can help the skin recover more quickly.
  • Anxiolytic effect : Relieves the anxiety that may accompany discomfort, which can improve the dog's behavior and reduce compulsive scratching.

It is important to consult with a veterinarian before starting any treatment with CBD, as the dosage and method of administration must be adapted to the specific needs of each dog.


by. MVZ.Paloma Siliceo Trueba

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